Keeping your Creativity Consistent

Anyone in a creative field can tell you that some days are more creative than others. Creativity often comes in waves and we have all hit that creativity wall before. It is important to be able to consistently think outside of the box and find new ways to solve problems. In that way, creativity is not just for writers, designers or artists. Creativity can be used in all sectors of business and is a valuable asset to have. It’s not easy to be consistently creative, but being able to solve difficult problems day after day will make you a more efficient business owner and employee.
Here are a few ways to keep your creativity consistent:
- Creativity can be viewed like any other muscle in your body. To make it stronger you have to work it out. Even something as simple as writing down 5 new business ideas a day or doodling for 15 minutes will increase your creative consistency over time. The more you think creatively the easier it will get. Training you brain every day will help you avoid that wall and increase your ability to be consistent.
- Take Chances.Creativity can be risky, but it can also pay off big. While it is possible to be too creative, there is no harm in always trying to find a creative solution. Creativity helps people stand out and often times the most creative people are not willing to take the risk of showing it. Always looking for creative solutions and being able to distinguish the good ideas from the bad will help you stay creative and showcase your ability to stand out.
- Surround yourself with creativity.Creativity often requires inspiration. That inspiration can come from almost anywhere. Art, architecture, marketing campaigns, and just about anything else. Sometimes to train your creativity all it takes is to notice and appreciate it. Then, to take it a step further, surround yourself with it. Spend time looking at illustrations, artwork and other creative ideas. Pairing this with the ability to appreciate them for what they are will allow you to be receptive of the inspiration. Over time it will spill over into your own work.
Creativity is valued as a way to stand out and set yourself apart in all facets of life. It is important to keep a creative mindset and these 3 tips should help you consistently grow your creative mind.
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