How To Reinstate An Oklahoma Corporation
Reinstate Or Revive An Oklahoma Corporation:
To reinstate your corporation in Oklahoma, you submit the completed Oklahoma Certificate of Renewal, Revival, Extension and Restoration with the filing fee by mail or in person to the Oklahoma Secretary of State.
How much will it cost to revive an Oklahoma Corporation?
The filing fee for application for reinstatement is $50.
How long does it take the state to process the filing?
A corporate revival in Oklahoma will be processed in approximately a week.
Do I need a tax clearance from the Oklahoma Department of Revenue?
How long does your Oklahoma corporation have to be inactive with the state before you wouldn’t have any fees, and would just have to start over with a new Oklahoma corporation?
An Oklahoma corporation that has been inactive or “Not in Good Standing” may be reinstated up to three years. After three years, the system will automatically dissolve the corporation, the business name will be up for grabs and you will have to start over as a new company.
Can you change your Oklahoma registered agent at the same time on the Oklahoma reinstatement?
Yes, you may change your Oklahoma registered agent by entering the name on line 2 of the revival form.
Can you change your principal address at the same time on the Oklahoma reinstatement form?
Can you change your officers and directors at the same time on the Oklahoma reinstatement form?
How many annual reports can you miss before you can’t revive your Oklahoma Corporation?
An Oklahoma corporation files and pays an Annual Business Activity Tax Return to the Tax Commission. You may miss three BATs before you can no longer revive a corporation or LLC.