How to Change Your Registered Agent in Louisiana
To change your registered agent in Louisiana, you must complete and file a Notice of Change of Registered Agent form with the Louisiana Secretary of State, Commercial Division. The Louisiana Notice of Change of Registered Agent must be submitted by mail, in person, fax, or online and costs $25 to file. When you hire Northwest to be your new registered agent, we will file your Louisiana Notice of Change of Registered Agent paperwork for you and pay the state filing fee.
Free PDF Download
Download the Louisiana Notice of Change of Registered Agent form here
Do It Yourself Online
Sign up for a free account and fill out the Louisiana Notice of Change of Registered Agent here
Louisiana Registered Agent Service
$125 Per YearSteps to Changing Your Louisiana Registered Agent
If you would like to change your registered agent in Louisiana, you will need to complete the following three general steps:
- Select a new Louisiana registered agent. If you hire Northwest for our registered agent service, you can just as well stop reading now. We’ll handle the state filing for you and pay your filing fee.
- Notify your former registered agent that you’re moving on.
- Complete and submit your Louisiana Notice of Change of Registered Agent to the Louisiana Secretary of State.
What are the options and different ways you can change your Louisiana registered agent?
The state offers a couple options to businesses for changing a Louisiana registered agent with the Secretary of State.
The best option for changing your registered agent is online. Click on the link below and select Subsequent Filings. You enter your business Charter Number and select Statement of Change. Louisiana charges a small fee of $2 to process your credit card payment. Also, you must have your new registered agent’s email address as the Secretary of State will send them an email to be sure they consent to the appointment.
The other alternative is to download the Notice of Change of Registered Office and/or Change of Registered Agent form from the Secretary of State Website. The link is furnished below. This form must be signed by both the business officer and the registered agent in the presence of a notary public. You can submit the document in duplicate by mail or in person with the filing fee; or you can fax it with the cover sheet supplying credit card information.
The final option for changing your registered agent in Louisiana is to change it on your annual report. If you require an agent change at the time your annual report is due, save the filing fee for the notice of change document and change agents on your annual report. Louisiana prefers annual reports be filed online; however, if your report is due, you may print out the form by pulling up your corporate information by typing in your business name at the “Corporations” then “Search Database” tabs on the Secretary of State home page.
For the steps to take to ensure your former agent’s service and obligations come to an end, see our Louisiana registered agent resignation page.
Changing Your Louisiana Registered Agent FAQs
There is a $25 filing fee to change your registered agent in Louisiana. Expedited processing is an additional $30. Louisiana has a Priority Expedited processing while you wait for $50. An annual report also includes a $25 filing fee. Online filing or fax filings are charged a convenience fee of $2 for processing a credit card payment.
Sign up for registered agent service with Northwest and you will find the pre-populated form for filing your change in your online account.
Don’t want to pay the change of agent fee? Switch your registered agent to Northwest, and we’ll pay the change of agent fee to switch to us! Just sign up for registered agent service. You’ll see the pre-populated change of agent form in your online account. Fill it out with your company info, sign it, and email or mail it to us, and we’ll get it filed with the state. It’s that simple!
Business documents submitted to the Louisiana Secretary of State are processed in approximately three to five days. Expedited filings and online filings are processed in 24 hours, and priority expedited processes your filings in approximately one hour.
Mailing address:
Louisiana Secretary of State
Commercial Division
P.O. Box 94125
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125
Walk in Address:
8585 Archives Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Phone: (225) 925-4704
Fax: (225) 932-5314
Expect More From a Registered Agent
We have a team of Louisiana experts that know the in-and-outs of all business filings and what the Louisiana Secretary of State requires. As your registered agent we don’t wait around on any legal correspondence we receive on your behalf, we immediately scan it to your secure online portfolio so you can view it anytime, anywhere. Switch to Northwest Registered Agent today and we will file your Notice of Change of Registered Agent form and pay your filing fee, all in less than a business day.
- Instant registered agent services annual price: $125.
- Instant Louisiana forms located directly in your online account to make a filing in Louisiana.
- State resources in your registered agent service account, with self-filing instructions to help you.
- We send multiple annual report reminders, and you can also track your due dates in your online account.
- We locally scan ‘service of process’ and all documents to you in real-time for no added cost.
- And, most importantly…We’re just not annoying™.