Registering Your Oregon Non-Profit With The Department Of Justice
Information on Charity Registration for Your Oregon Nonprofit
Is my OR nonprofit required to register with the Oregon Department of Justice?
If your nonprofit qualifies as one of these types of organizations, then you should register with the Department of Justice:
- A public benefit nonprofit corporation
- An out-of-state (“foreign”) nonprofit that solicits, holds assets, or does business in Oregon
- A trust that holds assets in Oregon for charitable beneficiaries
When should I register?
If your organization is formed for charitable purposes, then you will need to register before soliciting any contributions in Oregon or conducting activities.
What forms do I fill out?
You will first need to file a Registration for Charitable Organizations form with the Oregon Department of Justice.
Is there a fee to do so?
With your initial registration, no.
What are the annual requirements?
Charitable organizations need to file annual financial reports with the Charitable Activities Section.
When do I file my financial report?
Report forms will be mailed to you soon after the end of your OR non-profit’s fiscal year.
Are there any other documents to submit?
Along with the Registration for Charitable Organizations form you will need to include your Articles of Incorporation that have been date stamped by the secretary of state (or other establishing documents) as well as signed and dated bylaws, and your IRS Letter of Determination (if applicable).
What if I do not have an answer for a question on the form, it is not applicable?
Do not leave any lines blank. If a question is non-applicable, write that in the line.
Who is NOT required to register?
Religious corporations with religious purpose and corporations organized in Oregon as mutual benefit non-profit corporations do not have to register.
Are there any annual renewal requirements?
Your OR charity will need to file financial reports annually and pay the Charitable Distribution Fee. Most states annual renewal fees are based on how much a charity raises, but Oregon bases their renewal fee on distributions. The cost is $10 to $200 depending on the amount of charity distributed during the year.
Oregon Nonprofit Resources:
Nonprofit legal forms
Oregon nonprofit
Oregon nonprofit tax exemption