Michigan Charity Registration
Do I need to register my organization before soliciting contributions in MI?
If your organization is planning on soliciting funds from the public of Michigan, then you will have to register with the Michigan Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Division.
How do I get started?
You can contact the Michigan Attorney General’s office, and then they will mail you an Initial Charitable Trust/Charitable Solicitation Questionnaire.
Where do I send in the questionnaire?
Department of Attorney General Charitable Trust Section PO Box 30214 Lansing MI 48909
What happens after I mail in the questionnaire?
After they review the Questionnaire, the Attorney general’s office will determine whether or not your Michigan non-profit organization can obtain a solicitation license.
Is there a fee for my solicitation license?
No fee!
Am I required to fill out other forms?
Yes. After your Questionnaire has been reviewed you will need to fill out the Application for License to Solicit Donations.
Do I need to include any other documents with my Application?
Yes. Make sure to include a complete IRS 990 Form, a list of the names and addresses of the board of directors of your non-profit, and an audit or review if required. The applications need to have original signatures.
What if my non-profit organization is in their first fiscal period and I don’t have some of that information?
Write “new” in the date heading of Part I, and leave the rest of Part I blank. They do not want you to enter estimated financial numbers or budgeted amounts.
Will I need to renew annually?
Yes. Each registration will include an expiration date, which is seven months after the end of your non-profit organization’s fiscal year. In order to renew your organization will need to fill out a Renewal Solicitation Registration Form. Make sure this is done at least 30 days prior to the expiration date.
Am I able to file these documents online?
Yes, you may register and file renewals online.
Are there any exemptions?
The Solicitations Act allows organizations that raise funds exclusively using volunteers and receive less than $25,000 a year to be exempt from registering. Also, certain educational institutions, certain hospitals, and unpaid solicitations for the benefit of individuals are considered exempt. If you think that your Michigan non-profit organization might be exempt, then you will submit a Request for Exemption form. You will be notified if your request is approved.
Where do I send my Request for Exemption?
Department of Attorney General
Charitable Trust Section
PO Box 30214
Lansing, MI 48909