How to Form a PLLC in North Carolina

Q: Can you organize PLLCs in North Carolina?
Thank you to one of our customers for this question! If you render what’s known as a professional service, you will need to form a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC). Here’s how:
1. Get Certificate of Registration from Licensing Board
Before you can form your company, you must have already received your license from the state licensing board associated with your profession. When submitting your PLLC formation documents to the Department of the Secretary of State, you’ll need to include a certificate from your licensing board that shows your business is in compliance with state requirements.
What is a professional service in North Carolina?
According to NC Gen Stat § 55B-2, a professional service is a specific type of occupation that requires certification from a licensing board before that type of work may be performed. Professional service providers include, but are not limited to:
- Architects
- Attorneys
- Dentists
- Engineers
- Geologists
- Social workers
- Therapists
2. Hire a Registered Agent
All businesses registered with the office of the Secretary of State must have a North Carolina Registered Agent—including PLLCs. Having a reliable registered agent to receive legal notifications and pass them on to you in a timely manner is crucial. For this reason, many people choose to hire a Registered Agent Service like Northwest.
3. Submit PLLC Articles of Organization
Just as you would when forming a North Carolina LLC, forming a PLLC requires you to submit Articles of Organization to the Secretary of State. Your articles will need to include:
- Name of PLLC
- Name and address of each PLLC member or organizer
- Name, address and mailing address (if different) of registered agent
- Purpose of PLLC
- Certification from licensing board (attached)
- Effective date (if not immediate upon filing, up to 90 days after filing)
- Authorized signature
- Payment of $125
Are there rules for naming a North Carolina PLLC?
Yes. The name of your PLLC in North Carolina must include “Professional,” “P.L.L.C.” or “PLLC.”
How should I submit my PLLC Articles of Organization in North Carolina?
You can submit your PLLC Articles of Organization online or by mail.
Online: PDF Upload Portal
By Mail:
Department of the Secretary of State
Business Registration Division
P.O. Box 29622
Raleigh, NC 27626-0622
Do North Carolina PLLCs require annual reports?
Nope! In North Carolina, domestic and foreign professional entities like PLLCs are not required to file annual reports the way that most other LLCs have to.