How to Dissolve a New Mexico LLC
How do you dissolve a New Mexico Limited Liability Company?
To dissolve your LLC in New Mexico, file Form DLLC-DV, Articles of Dissolution and a duplicate copy with the Public Regulation Commission (PRC). You will need to file your Secretary of State form using the New Mexico business e-file system. There are no paper forms for this.
Is there a filing fee to dissolve or cancel a New Mexico LLC?
There is a $27 filing fee to dissolve your Limited Liability Company in New Mexico.
Do you need a Department of Revenue clearance before the New Mexico Secretary of State will accept your dissolution?
No. You do not need tax clearance to dissolve your New Mexico LLC.
How long does it take the state to process the filing?
Normal processing takes the PRC up to fifteen business days.
How long before someone can take your business name?
Certificates of termination processing time could vary but in most cases it is 3-5 days. The hard work is done at the New Mexico Comptroller’s office. A form 05-359, Request for Certificate of Account Status, takes 4-6 weeks to process and receive your tax clearance.
How long before someone can take your business name?
The name can be used by another entity once the process is complete and the LLC is dissolved.
What is the penalty if you do not dissolve properly and just don’t file your biennial reports?
New Mexico LLCs are not required to file biennial reports.
What are the late fees and penalties to re-register if your registration is terminated?
Since LLCs are not required to file the New Mexico biennial report, they won’t have their registration revoked for failure to file. They could still have their registration revoked for failing to maintain a registered agent or inform the PRC of a change of address.
If the PRC administratively revokes your LLC, it reserves your name during the two year period for reinstatement. If you are granted reinstatement, your name is restored.
If you’d like help establishing another company, you may find our incorporation filing service and New Mexico registered agent service helpful. We provide all the forms and filing instructions you may need in your online account, or you can just hire us to do the filing for you.