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Getting a Business License in Nevada

How to Get a Business License in Nevada

Q: How do I get a state business license for my Nevada business—and do I need a local license, too?

Thanks to one of our customers in Nevada for this great question! Nevada is a strange state in that it actually issues a Nevada State Business License, in addition to local business licenses issued by city or county offices. (Most states ONLY issue business licenses at the local level.) Here’s what you need to know about getting squared away with your business license(s) in the state of Nevada:

Do I Need a State Business License in Nevada?

Yes. All businesses must obtain a Nevada State Business License. For LLCs, the Nevada LLC Formation Packet includes the application for a state-issued business license. Corporations in Nevada must apply for a State Business License as well, except corporations pay $500, while LLCs and most other businesses pay $200. Nevada also provides an Amended/Annual State Business License Application that covers everything you need to know about applying for the state’s license.

Learn more about starting a business in Nevada.

What businesses are exempt from getting a Nevada State Business License?

While most businesses doing business in Nevada need a business license, there are some entities that don’t require it, such as:

  • Insurance companies with certificates of authority
  • Motion picture producers
  • Someone working from home making less than 66% of the average annual wage
  • Nonprofit religious, charitable, or fraternal organizations
  • Government entities
  • Corporation Sole

Does Nevada’s State Business License need to be renewed?

Yes. You must renew your Nevada State Business License annually. The cost is $200.

How much does it cost to get a Nevada State Business license?

The filing fee for Nevada’s State Business License is:

  • LLCs: $200
  • Corporations: $500
  • Sole Proprietorships: $200

What Do I Need to Include in My Nevada State Business License Application?

You’ll need to provide the following information in your Nevada State Business License Application:

  • Name of entity
  • Entity type (i.e. “Limited-Liability Company”)
  • List of initial managers (if manager-managed) or members (if member-managed)
  • Indicate whether your business is one of the following entities (and thus exempt from the business license fee):
    • Government entity
    • Insurance company
    • Nonprofit entity
    • Unit-owners’ Association
    • Other organizations with 501(c) designation
  • If a nonprofit:
    • Indicate whether your organization intends to solicit charitable or tax-deductible contributions, and ONLY if “yes”, include an “Exemption From Charitable Solicitation Registration Statement”

What Other Business Licenses Does Nevada Have?

Most businesses in Nevada must register for a Sales/Use Tax permit, and all businesses in Nevada are required to obtain local licenses in their city and/or county. To find out what specific license(s) your business needs, use the state’s New Business Checklist. Here’s what you’ll need to submit:

  • Type of business (i.e. LLC)
  • Type of industry for your business (using NAICS Codes)
  • Number of physical locations in Nevada
  • Employee status (whether or not you plan to have employees)
  • Tax requirements, specifically:
    • Whether you plan to sell “tangible personal property” (i.e., material goods)
    • Whether you plan to purchase tangible personal property for storage or use (as opposed to resale)

Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit

Also known as a Certificate of Authority, the Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit is required for all businesses that sell tangible personal property and have a physical location in Nevada or do business in the state.

How do I get a Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit?

You’ll submit the Nevada Business Registration form and mark the Sales/Use Tax Permit box to get your permit.

How much does a Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit cost?

It costs $15 to submit your Nevada Sales and Use Tax Permit application, but you’ll also pay $15 per physical location in Nevada.

Local Nevada Business Licenses

General business licenses are offered on the local level. Some counties and cities refer to these licenses as City Licenses or General Business Licenses. You’ll need to obtain your Nevada local business license from your county clerk’s office before doing business. Your fees and the application process will depend on where your business is located.

How do I get a local Nevada business license?

For local permits, you can reach out to your local clerk’s office directly to make sure you have all the correct paperwork for your business. Contact information can be found on Nevada’s County Clerk Contact Information page. Not all counties and towns will require a business license.

How much does a local Nevada business license cost?

It depends on the county you obtain your license in. For example, there is no local license fee in Eureka County, but in Clark County the application and license fee is $45.

Nevada Professional Business Licenses

In Nevada, certain professions like barbers, nurses, real estate brokers, and massage therapists need to obtain special licenses from the state boards that oversee their industries. The cost for these professional licenses depends on your profession and the services you offer.

How do I get a Nevada professional business license?

To get a Nevada professional license for your business, you’ll need to go through the state board that regulates and licenses your business. For example, massage therapists are licensed by the Nevada State Board of Massage Therapy.

How much does a Nevada professional business license cost?

It all depends on your profession and the board that regulates your business. For instance, massage therapists pay $480 for their professional license from the Board of Massage Therapy.

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