Maintaining Anonymity as a Connecticut LLC

Q: Can I convert into an anonymous LLC for my existing single member domestic LLC in CT state?
Thank you to a customer in Connecticut for the great question! Many LLC owners hope to keep their name and address off their business formation documents so their personal information doesn’t become part of the public record. Unfortunately, some states (like Connecticut) require business owners to provide some degree of member and/or manager information with their state registration—but there may be ways you can maximize anonymity in such states. Here’s what to know about Connecticut:
What is an anonymous LLC?
In general, the term “anonymous LLC” refers to a regular limited liability company that doesn’t publicly list owner and/or manager information with its state filing. As an LLC owner, it isn’t always up to you whether or not this information is listed with your formation documents—it’s up to the laws of your state.
What are the best states for anonymous LLCs?
By our estimation, the best states for anonymous LLCs are:
- Delaware
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Wyoming
These four states don’t require business owners to disclose personal information when filing LLC Articles of Organization, which means your name and/or address can stay off the public record.
Can I form an anonymous LLC in Connecticut?
It’s more difficult to remain completely anonymous when forming a Connecticut LLC. This is because the Connecticut Certificate of Organization requires LLCs to provide the name, business address and residence of at least one member or manager.
How can I maintain MORE anonymity with my Connecticut LLC?
Though your LLC won’t be completely anonymous in Connecticut, you may consider ways to enhance your anonymity. For example: reduce the number of members and/or managers listed on your Certificate of Organization.
How do I change the information in my Connecticut Certificate of Organization?
If you’ve listed more than one member or manager on your Certificate of Organization, you can change your filing with the state so that only one person’s information becomes part of the public record. There are two ways to do this:
- Annual Report – You can provide new member/manager information when you submit your Connecticut Annual Report (free)
- Amendment – Or, if you’d like to change the information in your Certificate of Organization right away, you can file a Connecticut LLC Amendment ($120)
Can I move my LLC to another state and register as a foreign LLC in Connecticut?
Sure. Many business owners choose to form a New Mexico LLC or Wyoming LLC for privacy reasons—even if they do business elsewhere. However, when you register as a foreign LLC in Connecticut you will still need to provide the name and address of one member or manager—so this won’t necessarily give your LLC more anonymity in Connecticut.