What to Know When Naming a California LLC

Like most states, California has requirements and restrictions when it comes to naming LLCs. Here’s what to know:
Are there naming requirements for a CA LLC?
Yes. A California LLC must use a business identifier in its name to show that it is, in fact, a limited liability company. You can use any of the following terms:
- Limited Liability Company
- Ltd. Liability Company
- Limited Liability Co.
- Ltd. Liability Co.
- L.L.C.
Are there naming restrictions for a CA LLC?
Yes. In addition to making sure your LLC name is distinguishable enough from other business names in the public record, your name must not be “likely to mislead the public.” According to 2 CA Code of Regs 21003, this includes names that imply:
- Government affiliation – This could mean using the name or abbreviation of a city, county, state, country, region. Or using words like: “agency,” “commission,” “department,” “bureau,” “division,” “municipal,” or “board.”
- A professional corporation – Like using “PC” or “P.C.” at the end of your name.
- An incorrect business type – Such as using a business identifier like “Incorporated” or “Inc.” for your LLC.
- An insurance company – Prohibited terms include “insurance,” “reinsurance,” “assurance,” and “surety.” Plus, the addition of words like “agency,” “agent,” “services,” and “broker.”
What is a “distinguishable” name for a CA LLC?
A “distinguishable” business name is one that won’t easily be confused with another existing business. According to 2 CA Code of Regs 21000, the California Secretary of State will likely reject a proposed LLC name if it is “the same,” “substantially the same,” or “deceptively similar to” an existing business name. When determining whether or not two names are too similar, the state does NOT factor in the following information:
- Distinctions between upper and lower case letters
- Different typefaces or fonts
- Accent marks
- Subscript or superscript
How do I know if my name is “distinguishable”?
Ultimately, the office of the California Secretary of State determines whether an LLC name is distinguishable enough from other business names to be added to the California business registry. However, you can use California’s Business Name Search to see what business names are already registered, and use your best judgment to determine whether your name is similar to any others.