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How to Move Your LLC to Arizona


Moving your LLC to Arizona can be an easy task thanks to a process known as domestication. Here’s what you need to know:

Can I move my LLC to Arizona?

Yes. There are several ways you can move your LLC’s business operations to Arizona, including:

  • Dissolution / formation – You can always dissolve your LLC in the state in which it’s currently registered, then form a new Arizona LLC.
  • Domestication – This is the state-assisted process of transferring a company’s formation documents from one state to another. It’s usually the most efficient and cost-effective option for moving an existing company to another state.

Whatever plan of action you choose will depend on the needs of your business, as well as the state in which your LLC is currently registered.

Can I domesticate my LLC in Arizona?

Maybe. According to AZ Rev Stat § 29-2501, an LLC may only become a domestic entity in Arizona “if the domestication is authorized by the law of the foreign entity’s jurisdiction of organization.” In other words, if your current state doesn’t recognize the process of LLC domestication, you won’t be able to domesticate your LLC in Arizona. But if your LLC’s current state of domicile (i.e. where it was formed) DOES recognize LLC domestication, you’re golden!

How do I domesticate my LLC in Arizona?

To move your LLC to Arizona through the process of domestication, you’ll have to submit a Statement of Domestication ($50) along with Arizona’s Foreign Registration Statement ($150) to the Arizona Corporation Commission. While Arizona strongly encourages business owners to use its online filing system, eCorp, you may choose to submit your documents via regular mail:

Arizona Corporation Commission – Examination Section

1300 W. Washington St.

Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Do I need a new EIN if my LLC moves states?

Not necessarily. If you domesticate your LLC in Arizona, you can keep the same EIN your LLC used before moving to AZ. However, if you choose to dissolve your current LLC and form a new company from scratch in Arizona, you WILL need a new EIN.

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