Shareholders Special Meeting Minutes
Shareholders occasionally hold special meetings outside of normal annual meetings—and these should be recorded with meeting minutes. Special meetings are typically held when urgent or sudden changes occur to the corporation. Since important business decisions are made at these meetings, we provide this free special meeting minutes of shareholders template.
What should shareholders special meeting minutes include?
As the name suggests, these meetings happen under special irregular circumstances. Nevertheless, as with most meeting minutes, there are some general items that should be included:
- Meeting Information: The date, location, and purpose of the meeting.
- Attendance: The names of the shareholders and any others who were present. The minutes should also reflect whether a shareholder was present in person or by proxy (a representative of the shareholder).
- Election of Meeting Chairperson and Secretary: The chairperson runs the meeting, and the secretary keeps the minutes.
- Statement of Quorum and Waiver: The chairperson confirms that a quorum (minimum number defined by statutes or bylaws) of shareholders is present. The secretary confirms that sufficient notice of the meeting was given or waived.
- Review of Previous Minutes: The minutes from the last meeting should be made available for review.
- Director Selection/Removal: If applicable, a statement of a director’s appointment, removal, or change in compensation.
- Other Items: The template includes space for any additional items of business conducted.
- Signatures: The meeting secretary and witnesses (if any) should sign and date the minutes.