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SEO and Internet Marketing

Located in Spokane, WA

We are in need of another creative full time SEO marketer/developer. We compete in very competitive keywords and if you’re not very good yet, you’ll learn quickly what we have to deal with to get to the top and stay at the top of our terms. Ideally, you will need to be able to not only understand what needs to be done to stay on top in the keywords we currently do well with, but figure out what to do in keywords we suck at. In a perfect world, you would understand what makes a connection and gets people to buy. In a more perfect world, God himself would have just had you meet the most perfect person in your life, you just married them, and they happened to be from Spokane, Washington. After being married for a few months, your partner became depressed living in Silicon Valley and you were working too hard as a slave to Matt Cutts at Google. Matt Cutts made you work an overnighter one day and you came home to your partner and said “I love you so much, let’s go move to this Spokane, Washington place so you can be close to your family and friends. Screw this insanely high paying incredible job at Google. I want to go work for a small company where the owner can quantify my work immediately!” And now after scratching your head for a few weeks, you are reading this ad…. Or you just live here in Spokane, understand SEO, and are looking for a good company to work for.

Required Skills:

  • Proficient in Google Analytics (or similar)
  • On-page optimization
  • Off-page optimization (ie. link building)
  • Competitive analysis
  • Keyword research
  • Conversion optimization
  • Landing page optimization
  • Complete understanding of HTML coding
  • Use of mutliple SEO tools

Additional Helpful Skills:

  • PPC
  • Remarketing
  • Email marketing

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