How To Reinstate A Texas Corporation
Reinstate Or Revive A Texas Corporation:
If you want to reinstate your business registration after its forfeiture for failure to file annual franchise tax report, use Form 801, Application for Reinstatement and Request to Set Aside Tax Forfeiture. All Texas business forms have detailed instructions that come with the form. Your first step in the reinstatement process is checking for name availability. This can be done on SOSDirect. This requires an account and a $1 fee every time you log in. Or you may call (512) 463-5555. You also must file all back franchise tax reports and pay all back taxes, interest and penalties. It is also necessary to get a tax clearance letter from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts stating that you have satisfied all tax liabilities. Contact the Comptroller for help by calling (800) 252-1381 or email or download a request for the tax clearance letter at
To reinstate your business registration after voluntary termination or forfeiture for failure to maintain a registered agent, follow the exact same process but use Form 811, Reinstatement.
How much will it cost to revive my Texas Corporation?
The filing fee for an application for reinstatement is $75. No fee if you are a nonprofit corporation.
How long does it take the state to process the filing?
Normal Processing: 3-5 working days. 4-6 weeks to receive your tax clearance letter from the Texas Comptroller and you file your request.
Expedited processing for an additional fee of $25 per document that is accompanied by a cover letter specifically requesting expedited processing and a day time phone number. Your filing will be processed by the close of business the following day.
How long does your Texas corporation have to be inactive with the state before you wouldn’t have any fees, and would just have to start over with a new Texas corporation?
If your Texas corporation is forfeited for noncompliance with franchise tax law and reports, you can reinstate your business at any time as long as you would still be in existence otherwise, by filing for reinstatement and paying all back taxes, penalties, interest and filing all overdue franchise tax reports.
If your business became inactive in Texas voluntarily or for not maintaining a Texas registered agent, you have three years to file for reinstatement before you have to start over.
Can you change your Texas registered agent at the same time on the Texas reinstatement?
You can only change your Texas registered agent at the same time if you were terminated by the state for failure to maintain a registered agent.
Can you change your principal address at the same time on the Texas reinstatement form?
Can you change your officers and directors at the same time on the Texas reinstatement form?
No, you file an amendment once your business registration is reinstated.
How many annual reports can you miss before you can’t revive your Texas Corporation?
You can reinstate a corporation or LLC up to three years after the termination of your business registration.