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Managing Assets After An LLC Owner Dies

LLC owners (known as members) have a financial stake in their company, initially called a capital contribution. As a business... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

How to Start a PLLC in Texas

PLLC stands for professional limited liability company. Like a traditional LLC, a PLLC combines the tax benefits of a sole... View Article
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When A Company Owns Another Company

A company owned by another company is called a subsidiary. Once it’s created, the initial company then becomes known as... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Adding a New Member to Your LLC

It’s not uncommon for a business to alter its core operations in the months or years after its initial formation.... View Article
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Late S-Corp Election Relief Explained

“S corporation” (often shortened to S Corp) is a tax designation that allows qualifying businesses to pass taxable income to... View Article
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Can I Retain My Business Name After Dissolution?

If your company is inactive for any reason (be it business-related or personal), you may be thinking about dissolving your... View Article
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When to Get A Certificate of Good Standing

A certificate of good standing isn’t a requirement for all businesses. In fact, you’ll probably only need one if someone... View Article
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Getting Affidavits for Your New York LLC

When you form an LLC in New York, you’ll need to publish legal notices and obtain affidavits from two different... View Article
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Obtaining a Business License in Florida

If you own a business in Florida, there’s a good chance you will need to obtain a business license (also... View Article
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What to Know About LEI Numbers

LEI numbers (also known as LEI codes) are required for businesses that participate in the financial sector. While not exclusive... View Article
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