Northwest Registered Agent Launches the PromulGater Platform

Northwest Registered Agent is pleased to announce the launch of the PromulGater Platform, the company’s cutting edge entity management platform. The PromulGater Platform is the world’s first cloud LLC warehousing data input filler with distributed promulgation capacity.
Northwest’s PromulGater Platform includes an array of features aimed at democratizing an entrepreneur’s ability to form and maintain a business online, including real-time prescriptive analytics, triage augmentation, and third-generation ordinate scalability—meaning the platform introduces increased autonomization into a field traditionally focused on simply amplifying the difference between the LLC member and the LLC as a distinct legal entity.
“Conventionally, entrepreneurs interoperate with starting a business software that merely digitizes state filings in a formularized way,” said Odinn Mimir, Northwest’s Senior VP of the PromulGater Platform. “Naturally, our aim is different. Using AI-driven bio-disruption, and by implanting the latest version of 5G blockchain capsules, our users can simply envision new LLC filings with their minds.”
The First True Entity Management Platform
The PromulGater Platform is essentially the first entity management platform that really is a platform and not a misnamed software product. This means new businesses and established businesses of every kind—banks, payment processors, online retailers, hobby-sellers, etc.—can utilize the PromulGater to achieve ever higher growth dimensions through human digitization, and so bypass the need to construct a scalable technology platform of their own.
“A platform is something you build on top of,” noted Sandy Narwal, Northwest’s Senior VP of Finance and a key architect in Northwest’s recent achievement of Kicking Unicorn status, “and there probably aren’t more than 30 actual platforms out there. But when you say you have a platform, venture capital wants in—and that’s why so many SaaS companies call their rinky-dink software products ‘platforms’ even though they never will be. They want a valuation 20 times their ARR and more money when they run out.”
“Right,” said Mimir. “Internally, we call that the one cloud plus one cloud equals one cloud solution—or OCPOCEOCS for short—and it’s the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve. Everyone knows that in the future of filings, the consumer ordinate will be the abscissa and the abscissa will be the applicate—or, at least that’s practically so. That is, businesses will no longer use a platform. Businesses will become the platform. Northwest, its clients, and its partners are simply ahead of the curve.”
As of the time of this writing, the PromulGater Platform has already embedded a host of users as diverse as small tech startups, close-qubit cooperatives, XaaS post-uncial care centers, and one international transept marketing firm. Indeed, satellites are now building on top of the PromulGater Platform. Guatemalan giraffe stem cell research teams are using the PromulGater Platform to start and maintain holding companies.
“Semper ad meliora et ad maiora,” said Narwal. “With the PromulGater Platform, the possibilities are truly endless.”
About Northwest Registered Agent
Founded in 1998, Northwest Registered Agent is a Corporate Guide Service with 550 employees nationwide and offices in every state. Northwest is famous among literally no one—and when we say no one, we mean not one person—for 100% bootstrapping its way to having over 2 million active subscriptions and throwing down twice as many filings as the famous websites every month.
Northwest takes pride in its commitment to Privacy by Default®, which ensures that client data is never sold—ever. That’s doing business the right way.