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Five Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail

Many small businesses fail in their first couple years of existence. What are some of the reasons for this failure, and how can it be avoided? Read on to find out.
Posted on Staff Writer |

How and Why is the NFL a Nonprofit?

Did you know the the NFL is considered a tax-exempt nonprofit? It has been for quite some time, and is exempt from paying state and federal income tax. Read on for more information about this controversial topic.
Posted on Staff Writer |

What a Registered Agent Service Should Offer to You

This is what you should expect when hiring a professional registered agent--a helpful, secure location with business professionals who will help make your life as a business owner simpler when it comes to dealing with the state.
Posted on Staff Writer |

Your Business and the Affordable Care Act

There are new changes coming in 2014 as far as the Affordable Care Act and your business are concerned. Depending on how many employees you have in your business, or if you are a sole proprietor, there are different rules concerning the coverage you must offer your employees. Read on for more information on this topic.
Posted on Staff Writer |

When Crowdfunding Doesn’t Work for Your Startup

Do you have a small business that you are looking for funding for? Have you considered crowdfunding, or tried it and it didn't work? Read on for more information on what to do when crowdfunding does not work for your new business idea.
Posted on Staff Writer |

The Changing Face of Fundraising

The traditional methods of fundraising for charity and nonprofits is changing. Organizations like Watsi are taking a completely different approach to fundraising. Read on to find out more.
Posted on Staff Writer |

The Benefit of Social Benefit Corporations

The rise of the social benefit corporation as a legal business entity is raising new questions, concerns, and advantages for entrepreneurs as well as customers. Read on to learn more about this burgeoning new form that the traditional corporation is starting to take.
Posted on Staff Writer |