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The Blaugg Blog

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Online Reviews and Your Small Business

We don’t need big data to tell us that online reviews are important for just about every small business. By... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Resilience in the Business World

Resilience is adaptation. It’s flexibility and the willingness to pivot into whatever new circumstances befall your anticipated path. It’s the... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Why Health Is Important For a Small Business Owner

If you are trying to run a small business, odds are that you’re busy—very busy. A constant in my life... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

What Does the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Mean for Your New Nonprofit?

If you’re planning to start a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in 2019, now is the time to examine the potential impact... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Ford Created a Noise-Canceling Doghouse

Back in December, talk of a noise-canceling doghouse hit the news. It’s understandable if you missed it, considering all of... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Guest Worker Laws: What Every Employer Should Know

Considering hiring guest workers to fill temporary or seasonal positions in your company? Navigating the complex rules and regulations for... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Old Slang Terms that Should Be Brought Back Immediately

Okay, so the title of this blog is misleading. These old slang terms don’t need to be brought back immediately... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Grow Your Career Through Connection

Utilize the 5 “C”s of Networking In business, as in life, no man is an island. Opportunities are always presented... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

3 Lessons in Business From the Life of William Shakespeare

We’re all aware of William Shakespeare’s stature as one of England’s greatest poets and dramatists. Less well known, perhaps, is... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Do We Really Need to Teach Our Children to Fail?

Right now, there are children playing in tee-ball leagues, and they’re not keeping score. As if coddling the youth with... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |