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6 Reasons To Pick Up A Podcast Today

Podcasting has taken the internet by storm—and it’s a storm we should all gear up to embrace. In essence, podcasting is just people talking, much like talk radio. However, the spread of the internet has brought with it a new age of talk shows. Since Apple helped legitimize podcasting by incorporating it into the framework of their iTunes platform in 2005, podcasting has spread all over the world. If you’re not familiar with podcasting, I can assure you that you’re missing out, and here’s why.

1. Endless Content

There are now tens of thousands of podcasts in the United States alone. Most podcasters regularly release new episodes, sometimes multiple episodes per week. Two of the most popular podcasts, The Joe Rogan Experience and Radiolab, each have over a thousand episodes. Due to the amount of podcasts already out there (and how regularly new ones are posted), podcasts are much like another great American pastime: binge watching a show on Netflix. And you wont be filled with existential dread once you’ve completed a podcast—the next episode is always right around the corner.

2. A Platform For Your Interests

No matter how weird or strange your niche is, I can pretty much guarantee that there is a podcast devoted to it. From tax policy to taxidermy, if you have an interest and want to hear like-minded individuals explore what you like, podcasting is one of the best avenues to do so. Not only is it easy to find a podcast tailored to your interest or hobby, but most podcasts also have large online communities. Popular podcasts have forums where they discuss the latest episodes and offer tons of camaraderie between people with shared interests. For instance, Radiolab has it’s own online community with over 8000 active members that regularly discuss new episodes, and expand on the podcast’s content.

3. Staying In The Know

Podcasts are a great way to stay informed and know what’s going on in the world. Whether you’re using them stay up to date on hard-hitting news like climate change, or lighter fare like innovations in basket weaving techniques, podcasts are vehicles for an abundance of knowledge. Listening to podcasts is much like watching mainstream news—except you often delve deeper into the segments. Also, podcasting makes it easy to hear different viewpoints or opinions on things that may have once seemed so one-dimensional.

4. Motivation

No man is an island. In addition to finding a community based around your interests in the podcasting world, it’s also possible to find motivation and strength from podcasts themselves. There are tons of self-help and motivational podcasts, and if you’re like me, hearing other people explore or showcase things that you like helps motivate you to explore that hobby or interest even more. There are also scores of podcasts that are centered on career and professional development. If you’re actively trying to improve a skill or explore something you’re passionate about, podcasts can be great reinforcement to change your habits or lifestyle.

5. Convenience

Gone are the days of switching to the ninth cassette tape of your Stephen King audio book. You can take a podcast with you anywhere, and listen to it while you’re doing anything. Both Android and Apple each have podcast streaming options built into their interfaces, and you can even download podcasts so you can listen to them offline. Podcasts—and the technology that you can listen to them on—make it so that you have none of the hassles of television or conventional radio. You can pause, skip, rewind, or come back to them at your leisure.

6. A Welcomed Getaway

Podcasts can be a sweet escape, or at least a nice white noise as you do the less interesting aspects of life. I often use podcasts to wind down at the end of the day, or to distract myself while I work. If you’ve got some laundry, or some driving errands to do, you can go ahead and spice them up with a podcast. You can even listen to an educational podcast and be twice as productive. Whether you’re seeking information, motivation, an escape, or just a way to kill a little time, there are hundreds of podcasts available for you to enjoy anytime, anywhere.

This entry was posted in Anti-Thought Leadership.